Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WDRB Story " Bourbon sold to raise money in memroy of fallen officer"

Story URL: http://www.wdrb.com/story/23872920/whisky-sold-to-raise-money-in-memory-of-fallen-officer

In the WDRB story on the commemorative bourbon bottles, written by Paige Quiggins, the writer fails to follow the first yardstick of Journalism which is newsworthiness. Yes, it is an interesting story and it is heartwarming to think of different ways Officer Ellis is being remembered after his death, but overall the story doesn't actually impact a large group of people in Kentucky. The only newsworthy part of the story is the very end of the story when the writer states " No one has been arrested in the shooting death of  Officer Jason Ellis. Anyone with information is asked to call police."  These two sentences affect the most people more than the rest of the story because they tell people that the shooter could still be out there and that they need to contact police if they know anything. In the end, this story was not newsworthy and was overall unnecessary considering the fact that there are two other stories about Officer Jason Ellis on WDRB's website.

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