Tuesday, October 15, 2013

TV News Terminology

I really enjoyed learning about all the t.v terminology because of my interest in broadcast journalism. Everyday of Journalism I would walk in and see the Broadcast Journalism story board and some of the stories would say b-roll and I had had no idea what that was supposed to mean. Whenever I would make and edit entertainment movies on iMovie I didn't have to know those terms, but for broadcast journalism you need to be able to keep your audience entertained while informing them of important information through interesting visuals. With the new terminology I have on the t.v news terminology I'll be able to better understand the way editors and anchors think. I'll also be able to use this new terminology to determine if something is prerecorded as a package from advertisers , like a VNR, or if it is a package that the channel created solely for the purpose of informing, not persuading.

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