Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Magazine Lecture(J1)

I really enjoyed the magazines lecture because I learned so many new things. I had no idea that magazine innovations included photojournalism, investigative journalism, personality profiles and the first national advertisers. I never really thought much about magazines before the lecture because I only used them to cut out pictures for projects or to read about Lacrosse, but after the lecture I realized just how big magazines were and why they are still around. Magazines can be found very easily and are much cheaper than paying for cable or internet access which makes them easily accessible to lower income families. Although television and the internet are demassifying(or already have demassified) other media types I feel that magazines will always be needed somewhere due to either low income, bad technology skills or simply the desire to have an actual object to hold instead of a staring at a screen.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you reminisce on how you used to not think anything of magazines. I totally agree with the way you thought of magazines and how you think of them now, I had the same thought processing. When you really put into context how often we over look and underestimate magazines, it can remind you that they are still very important, even if they seem to not be. I like the way you also tell us why magazines are still very popular and I like the closure that came along with that.
