Sunday, September 29, 2013

"It's the start of somethin' new..."

High school is a big step, and it is completely different from middle school. In good, and bad ways. When you start high school you're starting something totally new and different (hence the title of the post). At my high school students get so much more freedom. You don't have to walk in lines anywhere. You don't have to eat in the cafeterias if you don't want to. The second day of school my friends and I just walked out of the main building to go to a separate building and I was eating a brownie the whole way over. All I could talk about during the walk over was the fact that I was eating a brownie while walking away from my high school. But like I said earlier, there are some bad things too. Like the fact that I was exhausted all the time for the first month of school. All I wanted to do was sleep... and eat:l  But the pros of high school definitely outweigh the cons.

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