In the article House to Vote on Cutting $40 billion in Food Stamps written by Lauren Fox and published on , the writer fails to be fair to all sides of the topic. The seventh yardstick of journalism is fairness and the writer is unfair by writing three quotes and six paragraphs opposing the cuts to food stamps and only one quote and two paragraphs supporting the cuts for food stamps.The writer could have easily avoided violating this yardstick by simply getting a couple couple more quotes from the supporting side or by cutting some of the quotes out of her final copy for the opposing side. In violating the seventh yardstick of fairness Lauren Fox's article also gives the impression that she opposes the cut on food stamps which violates the fourth principle of journalism which is "Independence". If the writer had simply fixed her errors in being unfair it would have also eliminated the impression that she wasn't being independent.
This is a legit critique. The article gave some space to "advocates for food stamps" but very little space to detractors.